Hey there!

So you want to learn a little bit more about me—I’m so flattered!

Hi, my name is Lenore Flower, and I’m a BI Analyst and “Data Plumber” for a cool little company called Caf2Code.

I’m completely obsessed with learning how things work and figuring out how I could improve them. That constant improvement bug ultimately drew me to a career in business intelligence and data engineering, both of which are basically a geyser of never-ending opportunities to build and improve on existing systems.

I love to teach, and I have a soft spot for the “boring but essential” stuff we tend to take for granted. Professionally, that means I tend to double-down on the less popular topics like Power BI Paginated Reports or working out efficient data models that clients can easily maintain. Most recently, that’s resulted in a series of YouTube videos and conference presentations that I plan to expand upon in time.

If you’re interested in learning more about data modeling using Power BI, you might also enjoy my course on Preparing and Modeling Data that I made as part of a Nanodegree Program with Udacity. I’m rather proud of it.

Beyond the office, my affection for seeing how things work means I spend much of my free time learning how to repair, grow, build or otherwise make everyday things. Some current misadventures on the home front include growing flax to make linen clothing, learning how to blacksmith and weld, and figuring out how to make candles and soap. While I take on these projects to better understand the world around me, occasionally the end result is actually good:)

Say hi if you feel so inclined! In addition to maintaining this blog, you can find me on LinkedIn, the Caf2Code Blog and on YouTube.